Tuesday 16 July 2013

Lyndahere, Bullying And Other Stuff...Some thoughts.

This post was originally going to be just for the record. Today Great Big Sea received their gold records from Warner Music in Canada, a wonderful time for Great Big Sea and their fans. They had also performed huge concerts at the Ottawa Blues Fest, Toronto and Pittsburgh in the US with over 40 00 fans this week. A very exciting time for them and for all of us who want to see the boys do well.

Not for @lyndahere or Lynda Elstad. Of course she wasn’t invited to the big occasion at Warner Music. It must have been disappointing for her to miss out on seeing Alan Doyle and Great Big Sea collect their gold record without her. She had been there a large step of the way. The event however, did not go unnoticed by her on Twitter and after the brief complementary congratulations tweet she moved on.

That day @lyndahere had started on bullies and bullying on her Twitter sites. They grew more intense as the day went on. Then a tweet claiming a Newfoundland man she encountered was a coward. On the day Great Big Sea were receiving their gold record she was calling a Newfoundland man a bully and a coward. Yep  it is not about me it’s about you.

@lyndahere is not taking and following her own advice “it’s not about me. It’s about you”. And we all know who really this whole thing is about.@lyndahere. It all dissolved very quickly once she got the response she was after and off she went onto to another concert.

It is truly unfortunate for her no is a dirty word. The world is full of adventures and perhaps @lyndahere should find one that appreciates her as she would like to be appreciated. Unfortunately self-esteem and self-respect can’t be bought in the way she buys an airline or bus ticket or books a hotel room for the next concert.

There probably is no point in going into bullying yet again because well she will do what she always does, use the same methods to get what she wants and the same responses. On a lot of the previous big occasions for this band @lyndahere has done something to attract attention. These are recorded on previous posts throughout the last year. The "It's not about me. It's about you" gabble is wearing a bit thin for all those involved as it is just not true.

@lyndahere Ha – 1st time a pissed-off me ever called a NL man a coward @christinatownie responded, “Well, yes, that isn’t really a big deal here”.  15 July 2013

@lyndahere Recalling Dad’s advice re bullies: Confront or capitulate will both escalate. Instead, remain who you are, do what you do, love who you love. 15 July 2013

@lyndahere to @alanthomasdoyle When in doubt – always in doubt it seems it's go with “It’s not about me. It’s about (insert loved one)”. 14 July 2013

@lyndahere to @alanthomasdoyle The hard part is knowing what’s Best to do, in lieu of info. A well-intentioned guessing game played with love. 14 July 2013

@lyndahere Without cowards, there would be no bullies. 14 July 2013

@lyndahere to @alanthomasdoyle “Believe in the Best I know of you; try to do the Best I know for you.” Only answer I have. Perhaps only answer there is. 14 July 2013

@lyndahere to @alanthomasdoyle You’re still King. Caring trumps bullying. 14 July 2013

Lyndahere and Ground Hog Day

This is a post for a rainy day. And is one of those days. On Twitter @lyndahere wrote “Coming to the second Jubilee Auditorium on a tour is Déjà vu all over again. Identical” 15 March 2013.

Her tweets and stalking remind me of the 1993 movie Groundhog Day staring Bill Murray and Andi MacDowell. It is the story of a weather man who visits a small American town of Punxsutawney Pennsylvania to report on the annual ritual of the coming out of the groundhog. He wakes up the next day to discover he is trapped in town due to a snow storm that comes in after the groundhog ceremony. Then again when he wakes up the next day it is the same morning of the day before over and over again and everything that has happened to him is repeated. If he repeats the same behaviour towards people as he did on the day then the day will be repeated, but if changes his behaviour and the way people respond to him then a whole range of new and exciting possibilities open up. He remembers what has happened on each previous day. In order to change the events he changes into a better person he would like to become.

I recently viewed some @lyndahere’s bootlegged videos and some photographs of Great Big Sea in particular the video of when they distributed the anniversary cake. It was very sweet of them to show their appreciation of the audience and involve them in the celebrations. She always seems to be in the same location and that is right in front of Alan Doyle on stage. The videos are the same, focused directly on him only briefly moving to something else happening on the stage. I am amazed she always manages to get these seats or the same position so close to the stage.

And she is very close indeed and actually invasive. It would be interesting to know if she actually gets tickets to those seats closest to Alan Doyle or she just takes that position without any consideration for anyone else who will be only attending that concert. Yet here is a person who prides herself on her sharing via a blog, photos and videos with others for those who cannot attend. It must be like Ground Hog day for her. If she changed her behaviour and how people responded to her then it may open up a whole range of new possibilities for her like it did for Bill Murray’s character in Ground Hog Day.

Fandom, An Unexpected Journey 600 Blog Posts... Thank You !

It seems like just yesterday I was celebrating writing and sharing my 500 th blog post. Today I am celebrating writing and sharing 600 blog ...