Monday, 18 June 2012

Dirty Deeds Dunder Free...YouTube and piracy...

Alan Doyle CMT Live at Revival Special...

In May 2012 Lynda Elstad @lyndahere bragged about filming a performance of Alan Doyle and his band that was for a documentary/special on Twitter and made available the results of her efforts to members of the public. She undermined the quality of the documentary/special and began to make money from Alan Doyle’s hard work before he had finished and edited it and provided spoilers prior to the screening in May 2012. She recorded and released his music before it was officially due to be released on May 15 2012 with no apology or regrets. The audience were selected for the filming of the documentary special and was part of a competition held. She probably used a fake account and name to gain access then abused the conditions of entry for example, no filming. The conditions of entry were not available at the time of this story.

@lyndahere wrote on her webpage…I know this is going to disappoint some folks who would dearly loved to be at the tapping but I‘ve finally decided not to put up any more videos yet. The songs are beautiful and wonderful and that makes the decision so difficult. I will not risk anything however small that could interfere with how Alan wants to debut his songs. @lyndahere Between The Rock and A Hardplace webpage 22 February 2012.

I remember reading Twitter tweets from @lyndahere sent to Alan Doyle and her followers advertising the results of her filming without the slightest consideration for what he wanted. While most of these now seem to have been removed from the Internet there is evidence in the Twitter tweets of Great Big Sea fans that this was done.

Indoor Garden Party Newfoundland Canada August 2011...

@lyndahere did exactly the same thing at a concert last year in Newfoundland with Alan Doyle, Russell Crowe, Danielle Spencer, Scott Grimes and Kevin Durand. A search of the Crowe/Doyle songbook concert in Newfoundland show that BetweentheRock @lyndahere’s YouTube page is the only person who has filmed and released the concert. While others may have filmed the concert they don’t seem to be available on YouTube.

Murray Foster and the Cocksure Lads...

In March 2012 Great Big Sea member Murray Foster wanted to make a film titled the Cocksure Lads. On her webpage Between the Rock and a Hardplace she describes the film about a group musicians who arrive in Canada, their adventures and their fight. The musicians perform a series of shows in Toronto for the movie. @lyndahere filmed their first show together at the Rivoli in Toronto and then put the results up on her YouTube site.

There are two Youtube sites operated by @lyndahere known to people that have illegally recorded broadcasted content from appearances of Alan Doyle, Great Big Sea and other artists. On @lyndahere’s Youtube site BetweentheRock there is a massive 1218 recordings mostly taken by her with a hand held video camera of Alan Doyle and the members of Great Big Sea and on AndPassionateKisses 42 recordings mostly illegally recorded from Canadian television stations. These include the Alan Doyle ‘Live at Revival’ on CMT TV special. She has illegally recorded a total of 7 songs. They include Alan Doyle interviews and performances from the Global, Canada AM, interviews on HNIC Game Day, singing the national anthems, the Christmas carols for the Gift of Giving for charity (GBS), Labour Day specials, hockey interviews, the Juno Awards, and the ECMA Songwriters Circle.

Information put on the Youtube sites is without any consideration for artists she professes to admire and love Alan Doyle and Great Big Sea. While @lyndahere brags about and documents her stalking from one event to the next on her Twitter page and webpage it is difficult to tell whether or not this ends with official events and personal appearances or into his personal life. Underneath her continual declaration of admiration and love for Alan Doyle there are remarks that show bitterness and resentment to her treatment by Alan Doyle and Great Big Sea. There is a kind of arrogance and imaginary competition in when and how his work will be made available to the public with absolutely no consideration for them.

@lyndahere’s YouTube sites have had in excess of a million and a half hits. It is difficult to know how many sites @lyndahere has and how much money she is making of illegally recorded copyrighted material and filming concerts, money that is rightfully that of those who perform it. There is no evidence to support her claims that she is not making money out of her sites. Surely 1450 videos are a massive amount of recordings for any one person to have of another person is enough to warrant a police investigation and criminal proceedings for stalking and harassment. That is besides the 1000’s of photographs of Alan Doyle and Great Big Sea on the Internet. It is great to see commercial television stations are now taking the matters into their own hands and placing links from such events directly to their own sites to undermine piracy. Alan Doyle now has links to interviews and performances on his official site.

Fandom, An Unexpected Journey 600 Blog Posts... Thank You !

It seems like just yesterday I was celebrating writing and sharing my 500 th blog post. Today I am celebrating writing and sharing 600 blog ...