Monday, 9 November 2015

Great Big Sea And Fandom Fracturing…

“I loved the dance so much that I didn’t want to stick around and watch it completely fall apart, which it ultimately did.” Sean McCann on Great Big Sea.

This post is a response to the interview with Sean McCann “Emerging from the darkness” by Sean Daniel Katz on November 5, 2015. Bow Valley Crag and Cannon. The interview has been circulated on my Google + page for those interested.

Lynda Here continues to circulate Sean McCann interviews on her own Facebook page and the Great Big Sea Online Kitchen Party Facebook page and the fans keep responding. There are times when I am glad I am not an active participant in the fandom, on the GBS Online Kitchen Party on Facebook and I don’t have an active Facebook account. This is one of them.

Alan Doyle and Bob Hallett have put forward their positions on Sean McCann leaving the band and I absolutely believe and support them. This is the time to let sleeping dogs lie but on and on Lynda Here goes.

“I just hope he can get past this need to try to turn GBS into much less than it actually was, perhaps in an attempt to feel better about having walked away from it. It does no one any good at all and it causes genuine hurt to some” Lynda Here 8 November, 2015 on Facebook.

I don’t understand why some fans give Sean McCann (and ultimately Lynda Here) so much power in determining how they feel and negatively respond to something they got so much pleasure out of. The more negative discussions fans have of their experiences the more negative they will become. And the fans shouldn’t give their validation of their positive experiences away to other people’s negativity.

What Sean McCann says or doesn’t say doesn’t make my experiences that I had travelling to see Great Big Sea perform in Canada, Newfoundland and Australia any less valid. They are still one of the best times of my life. What Sean McCann does or doesn’t say doesn' t make the time I have spent writing my blog or interacting with other fans in person and on social media any less valid to me.

As I have said before on a previous post I thought Lynda Here would be happy following Alan Doyle and The Beautiful Gypsies around but obviously she is not. Yet she seems to spend a lot of her time research and initiating negative discussions on Facebook about Sean McCann and his days in Great Big Sea. She has never really been a Sean McCann fan. To the best of my knowledge she has only attended one Sean McCann show this year in St. John’s. So why such a keen interest in what Sean McCann says or doesn’t say? Her interest is getting her attention on Facebook. Bullying someone into silence or acceptance and validation doesn’t work and there is no one who knows this better than her.

Lynda Here’s attempt to fracture the fandom and create negativity is nothing new. At every major event in the Great Big Sea career over the past couple of years she has tried to stir up trouble in the fandom on her blog Between The Rock and A Hard Place attacking not only in the Great Big Sea fandom but other fandoms including the Indoor Garden Party fandom as well. I have written posts about her interactions with the fandom at the Republic of Doyle premier, at the beginning of the Great Big Sea XX tour and the Indoor Garden Parties in St. John’s and Australia over the past three years to name a few.

The constant negative discussion initiated by Lynda Here and her research will fracture and undermine the fandom. Fans will do one of three things, they will take Alan Doyle’s side, they will take Sean McCann’s side or they will leave the fandom altogether because they are sick of all the negativity. And that is not good for anyone including the musicians and the fandom. Perhaps the best way for the fandom to move forward is to ignore negative articles and interviews and refrain from negative comments that keep providing fuel for the fire. Many of the big name Great Big Sea fans refrain from entering into this type of  discussion and just attend concerts and enjoy the music.

All the genuine Great Big Sea fans know the real reason why Great Big Sea are unable to move forward and that is Sean McCann has refused to let go at least legally anyhow. Why is someone so determined to make a full recovery from something so soul destroying in the past that he is refusing to let go of all his contact with it? I am no psychologist but I thought the obvious way to heal from something so soul destroying is one, to put physical space between the person suffering and the cause (which he has done) and the second is for the person to cut all emotional and other ties including legal from the source (which he hasn’t).

If Great Big Sea were really doomed as Sean McCann says then wouldn’t he like to be proven right by giving the remaining band members the opportunity to move forward without him, fail and receive the ultimate I told you so? But he obviously doesn’t believe in their demise so he will prevent them legally from doing so. Then come to think of it neither do I believe in the demise of the remaining members of Great Big Sea.

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