Saturday, 12 December 2015

Alan Doyle, The Beautiful Gypsies And Tis The Season 2015

Alan Doyle @alanthomasdoyle Loves a gig at Home. Heading down to SmilingLandFdn Rockin Big Give tonight. Yeha 28 November, 2015 (from the official Twitter account of Alan Doyle. No copyright infringement intended.)

"Big Give big success." from the The Telegram published on 29 November, 2015 (no copyright infringement intended)

"This year's Rockin’ Big Give was sold out and successful Saturday night.

Proceeds raised from the Smiling Land Foundation’s event will go to the Rainbow Riders and Special Olympics Newfoundland and Labrador".

Among the night's entertainment was Alan Doyle and the Beautiful Gypsies. The Telegram was among the event's sponsors.

Alan Doyle and The Beautiful Gypsies at Mallard Cottage the following night...

A totally gorgeous photograph of Alan Doyle and friends at Mallard Cottage on the 29 November, 2015 for another good cause.

Alick Tsui @positively4ever Boys are back in town #fundraising Mallard Cottage @alanthomasdoyle Great food + songs for good cause. 29 November, 2015. (No copyright infringement intended.)

Paul Kinsman@Paul Kinsman Immortalised by @markcritch #awesome @alanthomasdoyle @kendelcarson @coreytetford @mallard_cottage 29 November, 2015 (No copyright infringement intended.)

Fandom, An Unexpected Journey 600 Blog Posts... Thank You !

It seems like just yesterday I was celebrating writing and sharing my 500 th blog post. Today I am celebrating writing and sharing 600 blog ...