Friday 6 January 2017

Russell Crowe And Alan Doyle Shine In Iceland (2012)… Throwback Thursday.

“For Crowe it was an immense compliment and a thrill, as one can plainly tell from footage showing him literally jumping for joy (and drinking beer) in the background. For Smith too it was a compliment. She calls the actor her "roadie" and must surely realise how hard it is for hopeless rock fan Crowe to resist the urge to let his gravelly bass dominate the entire song...But he showed the legend the respect she deserves and stood in the bleachers until each chorus.” Annette Sharp, Daily Telegraph 24 August, 2012.

Yesterday Alan Doyle posted a photograph on his official Instagram account when he played guitar and sang with Russell Crowe and the totally awesome, fabulous and very talented Patti Smith in three small gigs in Iceland in August, 2012. Although I remember reading about he gigs and especially the images of Russell and Alan performing with Patti I wanted to see what I could find what was shared by the fans.

The news of the performances spread around the world and were picked up by local and international news agencies and various webpages and blogs. The articles although brief, were supported by bootleg recordings from fans who attended.

I have copied two of these articles below, one from the Daily Telegraph and one from NBC News in America. Attached to both articles were two bootlegs. The first one was bootlegged by Roman Gerasymenko and the second one bootlegged by Martin Uetz. I have provided links to these recordings below and circulated them on my Google + page.

Alan Doyle and Russell Crowe also performed a number of their songs which were also bootlegged by fans and loaded up onto YouTube. My favourite was Testify bootlegged by Gudmundur Jakobsson.

I had forgotten how fabulous the music of Alan Doyle and Russell Crowe is and what great chemistry they have together on stage. Another gem of a bootleg was Alan and Russell doing Molly Malone bootlegged by Martin Uetz in which they invited the audience to join in. I have provided links to these recordings and circulated them on my Google + page.

I hope you enjoy revisiting this special Russell Crowe and Alan Doyle event in Iceland as much as did.

And yes like the reporter below no matter how much Russell Crowe loses his cool I too will carry a bit of a torch for him and also Alan Doyle.

“Russell Crowe lets rip with punk poet Patti Smith in Iceland” by Annette Sharp, Daily Telegraph 24 August 2012 (no copyright infringement intended).

IT doesn't matter how many times he loses his cool or whether George Piggins accuses him of spying or even stealing underpants from his clothesline, I suspect I will always carry a torch for Russell Crowe.

This week amateur footage emerged of a grizzled bearded Crowe singing back-up to equally grizzled punk poet Patti Smith on a Bruce Springsteen track in a bar in Iceland.

What a random, brilliant and unlikely happening. Unable to contain his passion for music, Crowe put his hand up last weekend to entertain the locals at three small local gigs in Iceland. At two of these, Smith, who is touring the country and is in outstanding voice at age 65, stepped up to sing Because The Night, Crowe joining in on backing vocals.

For Crowe it was an immense compliment and a thrill, as one can plainly tell from footage showing him literally jumping for joy (and drinking beer) in the background. For Smith too it was a compliment. She calls the actor her "roadie" and must surely realise how hard it is for hopeless rock fan Crowe to resist the urge to let his gravelly bass dominate the entire song.

But he showed the legend the respect she deserves and stood in the bleachers until each chorus.

What a delightful sight the pair of deconstructed fashion icons make.

They could not have been topped on the Reykjavik Culture Night bill. Not even if Bjork herself had thrown over a Pussy Riot protest to attend.

Crowe, who heads to New York shortly to finish filming Darren Aronofsky's Noah, has also been teaching the Icelanders the finer points of rugby league while in town.

Equipped with a device called a slingbox, he has managed to see every South Sydney game live and Aronofsky has afforded him time off the filmset during Souths matches.

“Russell Crowe, Patti Smith duet in Iceland” by Randee Dawn NBC News Contributor, posted on 24 August, 2012. (no copyright infringement intended).

You could play the celebrity match game for days without coming up with the pairing of Russell Crowe and Patti Smith, but as the duo recently proved with some appearances in Iceland, they love sharing the stage.

Crowe was in Reykjavik on Aug. 18 as part of a city cultural program, while Smith was touring the country. Based on the videos -- one taken at an outdoor public event as part of the city's Cultural Night, the other in a bar/hostel called Kex-- Crowe was the main attraction, but joyously introduced "legend" (as he called her) Smith for both shows.

Smith sang the song she co-wrote with Bruce Springsteen, "Because the Night," one of her signature tunes. Crowe joined in on backup, and the two appeared to have a grand time.

Russell Crowe, Patti Smith and Alan Doyle at Cultural Night in Reykjavik by Roman Gerasymenko 

Russell Crowe with Patti Smith and Alan Doyle perform 'Because the Night'  by Martin Uetz 

Testify (Russell Crowe and Alan Doyle) by Gudmundur Jakobsson 

Molly Mallone (Russell Crowe and Alan Doyle) by Martin Uetz 

Killing Song (Russell Crowe and Alan Doyle) by Hrund Valgeirsdottir 

Fandom, An Unexpected Journey 600 Blog Posts... Thank You !

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