Wednesday 25 January 2017

Russell Crowe, Australia And Some Awesome Photographs...

For many years Russell Crowe has used Twitter to share information on his latest movies and projects, defend himself from attacks from the media, engage with his fans, and share his interests including his love of music, his rugby league team, travelling and Australia. His work and interests have taken him to many places around the world. He has shared his adventures through posting photographs and engaging the fans in the discussion with the question Where am I on Twitter? 

Russell (although he is still a New Zealander and not an Australian) has lived in Australia for a large percentage of his life. He has made lots of significant contributions to the Australian community through a range of activities in particular to sport and raising awareness of important causes. Australia is where he spends his down time raising his children and on his properties in inner Sydney and rural New South Wales.

Over the past four years (Jan 2013- Jan 2017) Russell has taken many photographs from around Australia as he travelled for research, for making his movie The Water Diviner, for holidays and spending time at home. Today I wanted to look at how he chose to share his experiences in Australia through his personal photographs posted of social media with his fans, the majority of them from overseas and who have probably never been to Australia.

The only two photographs I included that were not taken in Australia were taken at Gallipoli when Russell was there doing research for his movie The Water Diviner. After one hundred years Gallipoli is still extremely significant for Australians and New Zealanders, as it is where over 10 000 of our soldiers died during World War 1. Australians and New Zealanders remember those who died there on 25 April every year.

Although there were a lot of fabulous photographs of Australia, there were some I wasn’t absolutely sure where they were taken so they were not included. For example, there were some photographs I assumed were from his property Nana Glen, in northern New South Wales. However, it was difficult to tell and Russell didn’t disclose where they were taken. So they have not been included.

I really enjoyed the photographs Russell posted of Australia. As an Australian (who doesn’t follow too many Australians on social media) I find it comforting when a celebrity of his status posts photographs of familiar icons like Australian landscapes (both rural and urban) native animals, sunsets and open training for a sports team who are playing in a grand final in rugby league league on social media. 

Russell has also taken and shared photographs when requested by fans for example, at the premier of his movie in Sydney, Australia and when a company wanted to use one of his pictures in their social media promotion (with full acknowledgement). There is also a photograph of a lost dog he saw on an local oval while out for a walk and tried to help find its owners.

I hope you enjoy these photographs of Australia as much as I have. The photographs are from the official Russell Crowe Twitter account. No copyright infringement intended.


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