Tuesday 7 February 2017

Alan Doyle And A Love Letter To Canada…

Canadian airline WestJet recently asked Alan Doyle to write a letter to Canada describing what he loved about Canada for her 150th birthday year. The letter was published in the WestJet Magazine on the 3 February, 2017.

I have provided a direct link to the letter below and circulated a copy on my Google + page.


I have provided a couple of paragraphs here. I decided to let Alan speak for himself as the letter does not need any comment from me.

“I love Canada. I love being Canadian. I love the variety of people and places from coast to coast to coast. And I especially love how Canadians identify with and support fellow citizens from regions and cultures other than their own, who might be from just down the street or from another part of the country all together…

I love that we don’t expect everyone to speak English as his or her first language. And, mostly, I love how Canadians accept diversity and multiculturalism as a Canadian trait without even thinking about it. We see our national identity as an ever-evolving cultural mosaic and are happy to include anything or anyone that wants to join the party…

“I love how Canadians accept diversity and multiculturalism as a Canadian trait without even thinking about it.”…

I have also included two absolutely drop dead gorgeous selfies Alan took at home in St. John’s, Newfoundland, the place Alan loves most in Canada. The first photo was taken on a cold but beautiful morning at Quidi Vidi lake, late last year. The second photo at his home in his backyard, early this year.

The photos were circulated on social media and are from Alan’s official Facebook  and Twitter account. No copyright infringement intended.

Fandom, An Unexpected Journey 600 Blog Posts... Thank You !

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