Monday 27 March 2017

Alan Doyle And TBG And 'The St. Patrick's Day Month Tour 2017'...Some highlights...

“…One thing you have to admire about Alan Doyle – and there are many enviable attributes – is that he has neither allowed success to go to his head, nor does he take for granted the success, the accolades, the fans or the respect he has accrued over the past quarter century at the heart of the Canadian music scene...” Jim Barber in

Alan Doyle and The Beautiful Gypsies ‘St. Patrick Month Tour of 2017’ has been under way for over two weeks and I have decided to put up some social media highlights. These highlights include links to some nice reviews, great photographs, an interview and some social media posts that have been shared along the way by the professional media and Alan Doyle and The Beautiful Gypsies on the road.

Many thanks to Alan Doyle and The Beautiful Gypsies, the professional media and fans that went to the concerts and shared their words, photographs and videos on social media including Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. I really enjoy researching and reading them all. No copyright infringement intended.


“Alan Doyle Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day With a Kitchen Party in Pennsylvania” is by Great Dark Wonder, the online music webpage. This webpage contains some nice words, some fabulous photographs (especially of Murray Foster and the band) and a copy of the setlist for Alan Doyle and The Beautiful Gypsies and Donovan Woods.

“…Following the brief intermission, Alan Doyle would grace the stage alone to open the show with “River Driver,” and used the acapella delivery to fully engage audience participation out of the gates. As the Beautiful Gypsies took their places during the applause, Doyle would not only deliver a 20-track setlist, but he and the band would prove to be in full St. Patrick’s Day spirits. Music, props, and some fine Irish ‘black stuff’ kept both the band and the crowd partying all evening. Doyle and his band once again pulled off the type of performance that keeps his fans returning time and time again, and engaged audience participation each time a familiar Great Big Sea tune was played.

It truly was wonderful to see Murray Foster out there, playing both the familiar and new (to him) material without missing a beat. Kris MacFarlane, Todd Lumley, Kendel Carson, and Cory Tetford were on top form too (as always – Doyle has a way of surrounding himself with top-notch musicians and friends)…”

Link to the webpage...

Long time music fan, concert goer and Alan Doyle and The Beautiful Gypsies fan Jaimie Lubrin wrote this wonderful review of the concert in New York.

“Return to the King: Alan Doyle and the Beautiful Gypsies Take NYC by Storm Again" by Jaimie Lubrin and published on the 21 March 2017 in the Huffington Post.

“…If it’s true, as genius director Elia Kazan wrote, that we live in the past, present, and future simultaneously, this concert captured that sensation perfectly. “Re” seemed to be the evening’s prefix of choice—reunion with Alan, Bob, Murray, and drummer Kris Macfarlane (the closest anyone may come to a Great Big Sea show for quite awhile); remixes of old favorites sent rocketing into our hearts with tantalizing new flavors. It was the first time I’d seen Kris use maracas to underscore his drumbeats in “The Night Loves Us” injecting fresh passion into the homey crowd-pleaser like a master chef adds spice to a familiar recipe. Todd Lumley, at various points brilliant on accordion and keyboard, tickled the ivories to standout effect in the middle of “Sea of No Cares”—and immediately that laid-back song was transformed into a call for action.

Multi-talented Cory Tetford (check out his solo album In the Morning!) was an absolute stunner in a guitar battle with Alan during the hard-rocking anthem “I’ve Senn A Little” He also let that axe wail loud and proud in a spotlight moment during the Irish classic “Lukey’s Boat.” Special mention goes to the performance of this traditional tune, lent more of a modern edge than I’d ever heard before by Bob Hallett and the combined assembly. An instrumental break featuring Bob on accordion, Murray on bass, and violinist extraordinaire Kendel Carson on her trusty fiddle electrified the audience, many of whom were already on their feet. Cory and Kendel got plenty of chances throughout the set to show off their tremendous voices, especially in the penultimate number “Shine On.” Few vocal pairings reach the ear with such soulful force and pristine splendour…”.

Link to the full webpage and a couple of nice photographs…


Some fantastic photographs were taken by Steve Benoit and published on on 25 March 2017.

“Photos | Alan Doyle + Donovan Woods @ The Sinclair”

“…This past Thursday night, Mr. Doyle and The Beautiful Gypsies graced the stage of one of the best venues in the region when they took the stage at The Sinclair in the heart of Harvard Square. Opening with a solo and a toast, Alan proceeded to work his way through a set covering his solo material and a handful of classics (I think we can call the that now) from the Great Big Sea catalog. Flanked on all sides by fantastically talented musicians (including former bandmate Murray Foster,) The Gypsies had every person in attendance waltzing, stomping, ranting and roaring through to the last note—leaving both the audience and Doyle himself ready to reconvene at the pub afterwards…”

Link to the full review and amazing photographs….

Some amazing photographs were taken by Boston Concert Photographs and shared on social media sites including Twitter and Facebook. They captured some great moments for example Donovan Wood’s last night on tour with Alan Doyle and The Beautiful Gypsies. 

The Interviews…

‘Alan Doyle talks talks Spring tour, New Book, New music, and his Beautiful Gypsies'…by Jim Barber published on the 16 March, 2017 on 

“As well as the new literary tome, Doyle is also completing the mixes for his latest solo album, which is most likely going to be billed under the moniker of Alan Doyle and the Beautiful Gypsies, in recognition of the respect, esteem and affection he has for his backing band.

“I went back there about a week ago for a day just to kick-start the mix and we’re just getting the final mixes now and will very soon be in the can. We’re going to release a single in the spring and the main record in the fall around the same time as the book. I wanted to treat it as a band record and do it with the band that I play with live. I wanted them featured heavily on the record and they are. I wanted everyone to know about what they’re going to see when they come see me live and I thought it was a great opportunity to have the band involved and tell all the fans in advance that, by the way, this is the kind of thing you will hear when you come and see Alan Doyle and the Beautiful Gypsies in concert,” Doyle said, adding that the album will be called A Week at the Warehouse, as it was recorded over that short time period at the Warehouse Studio in Vancouver, which is owner and run by legendary Canadian producer Bob Rock, best known for his hard rockin’ work with Metallica, Bon Jovi and The Cult.”

Link to the full interview…

Social media posts...

As usual some absolutely drop dead gorgeous selfies and photographs along the tour. The photographs are from the official Twitter account of @alanthomasdoyle. (No copyright infringement intended)

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