Sunday 4 March 2018

Alan Doyle And 'The Come Out With Me Tour' 2018...The second leg from the road (Reposted and Updated).

Alan Doyle and The Beautiful, Beautiful Band hit the road with the 'Come Out With Me Tour' on the 15 January, 2018. Along the way Alan, the band and fans share their words, thoughts, photographs and videos via their social media sites and fan sites. Alan also does some traditional media interviews and other promotional material as the tour progresses.

Over the past Alan Doyle and The Beautiful, Beautiful Band tours I have collected some of those social media posts, interviews and promotional material and created posts. As a record of Alan's music career these posts are regularly visited for anyone wanting some photographs and information.

Due to the large amount of information shared I find it difficult to keep track of everything that is produced by Alan, the band on the road and the fan's experiences at the concerts. So I have decided to create these as they go along and information appears. 

I will include screen shots of some of Alan and the band's posts, some quotes from interviews and the promotional material to direct future visitors to them. Where possible they are circulated via my Google + page. 

From The Road (full post available at

Peterborough, Ontario...On The Bus. published on 22 February, 2018

"...So, again, in many ways this is day one of the full team which bring with it a few hundred new cues to hit, new pieces of equipment to remember how to use, new instruments to play in different ways, and new songs to sing from a new CD. There’s a nervous energy in the air that only happens on day one. Lyrics are written to help commit them to memory. Volumes and tones of new instruments are questioned and tweaked. Knee jerk reactions from how we used to do it will lead us astray a time or two. Naps just can’t be had as minds just wont stop spinning to plot a course through it all. Butterflies that just won’t fly away..."

An interview...

"...“Music is my life and passion. I’ve never once considered a life outside of music,” he says. “Playing a concert of meaningful songs to a room or field full of people easily remains my favourite thing in the world.”

Another interview...

Interviewer "What kind of shampoo do you use?"

Alan "What ever is in the hotel." (Love it !)

The full interview is available from

An Interview...

'Perpetually enthused: Alan Doyle to bring 'greatest kitchen party in the history of the world' to Calgary' by Eric Vomers published in the Calgary Herald on the 7 March, 2018.

"....If there is a recurring theme when talking to Doyle, it’s his sense of gratitude for just about everything. He’s grateful to have been raised in Newfoundland, surrounded by music. He’s grateful that Newfoundlanders continue to be supportive of his career regardless of what corner of the world they may have ended up in. He’s grateful to have had the opportunity to write two memoirs for a major publishing company. He’s grateful to have a top-notch touring band, a bulging canon of Great Big Sea and traditional Newfoundland tunes to draw from for live performances and an audience that is nevertheless still receptive to new material. In fact, he says he’s grateful and “freaked out” that people still come out to see live music in general..."

The full interview is circulated on my Google + page. 

The reviews...

An awesome review and a beautiful collection of photographs by elsdurnford of Alan Doyle and The Beautiful, Beautiful Band from their concert in Ottawa. 

'Alan Doyle Live at NAC's Southham Hall' is published at on the 27 February, 2018. 

The photographs...

Social Media...

I always love Alan's selfies from the road...

A current setlist...

Sold Out Shows...

Fandom, An Unexpected Journey 600 Blog Posts... Thank You !

It seems like just yesterday I was celebrating writing and sharing my 500 th blog post. Today I am celebrating writing and sharing 600 blog ...