Sunday 3 June 2018

Happy Six Year Anniversary...500 blog posts.

I was hoping to finish off my six year anniversary by writing 500 posts and I did. I have achieved my goal.

Where to next? I don’t really know.  I have diverted a bit from my original goals of this blog being about the fans and fandom, to the work of the artists and musicians by writing posts about what they are doing and sharing resources about them that don't come from the usual sources. 

I am still interested in what the fans have to say on social media and how they share their stories and creative work.

I am also really interested in a range of topics for example music and bootlegging, copyright, sport and television with an Australian focus. These posts are probably not as popular as the others but they also have the goal of education. 

I hope I have managed to educate and change some fan's perspectives on how they engage with music and in particular music piracy and bootlegging along the way. 

Thank you to all the people who visit my blog every day and to all the artists and musicians I am interested in for sharing. 

Thank you to all the fans for sharing their love of music, concerts and fandom via social media. 

Fandom, An Unexpected Journey 600 Blog Posts... Thank You !

It seems like just yesterday I was celebrating writing and sharing my 500 th blog post. Today I am celebrating writing and sharing 600 blog ...