Monday 1 May 2017

Russell Crowe And 'Remedy'…Throwback Thursday.

A couple of years ago Russell Crowe recorded the song ‘Remedy’ with Marcia Hines for her album ‘Amazing’. With Russell and the Indoor Garden Party crew about the release their new album ‘The Musical’ I thought it would be great to share this song from a couple of years ago as it reminds us what a diverse performer Russell Crowe really is.

I have included a copy of an article written in the Australian newspaper, The Sydney Morning Herald in which Marcia Hines talks about how she approached Russell to join her on the new album. “Hines approached long-time friend Crowe when making the album last November to join her on the duet, and he agreed after hearing the track in a "gracious and generous" move, Hines says”. Russell and Marcia first collaborated in 2005 on the song ‘Testify’.

There are two official videos for this song one in cartoon form and one in black and white. I have circulated both of these on my Google + page for those interested fans. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

“Russ Le Roq returns: Hear Russell Crowe’s new duet with Marcia Hines.” By Sarah Thomas from The Sydney Morning Herald published on 7 March 2014. (No copyright infringement intended)

Russell Crowe teams up with Marcia Hines for a track on her new album, Amazing.

The hype swirling around Russell Crowe's $130 million biblical epic Noah continues to build, but that's not the only new release the Kiwi actor has on the horizon.

He's returned yet again to his first love, music, teaming up with Marcia Hines for a track on her new album, Amazing.

In the track Remedy, the two play a warring couple with Hines giving Crowe a hard time for not calling her. Hines approached long-time friend Crowe when making the album last November to join her on the duet, and he agreed after hearing the track in a "gracious and generous" move, Hines says.

"He's an all-rounder and it's cool that he has a passion for music," she says. "I hope audiences love hearing it as we loved doing it."

She says the track is about a tormented, rocky love affair and Crowe encouraged them to "take it to the max" on the ad-libbed banter that features between the arguing duo.

"The track is about loving someone in the way that makes you tremble and gives you aches and pains, you know the deal," she says.

The pair recorded the song in three hours at Free Energy Device Studios in Camperdown. Crowe is also to direct and star in the video in a few months time, she says.

The pair first collaborated in 2005 on the song Testify, which appeared on the 2005 album My Hand, My Heart by Russell Crowe and the Ordinary Fear of God, introduced by trumpet player Stewart Kirwan, who played in bands with both Hines and Crowe. The pair performed Testify at the AFI Awards that year.

Fandom, An Unexpected Journey 600 Blog Posts... Thank You !

It seems like just yesterday I was celebrating writing and sharing my 500 th blog post. Today I am celebrating writing and sharing 600 blog ...