Monday 16 October 2017

Alan Doyle And 'A Week At The Warehouse'...A Shehab Illyas documentary.

During the making of the 'A Week At The Warehouse' album Alan Doyle shared a post via his official Instagram that fellow band member Shehab Illyas was making a short documentary about the how they went about recording this album at the Bob Rock studio in Vancouver.

During the weeks and days leading up to the release, Alan has been sharing short promo clips via his social media accounts. And a beautiful documentary it is.

As fans of Alan Doyle and his band know Shehab Illyas is not only a fabulous musician, but also a talented photographer and film maker from Nova Scotia, Canada. In addition to carving out a career as a successful musician, he has also been involved in photography and making short films and documentaries for many years. 

In 2013 after the release of Alan Doyle's 'Boy on Bridge' album, Shehab made a video for the song 'My Day'. Last year he took the beautiful photographs of Cory Tetford for his new album 'In The Morning' and the photograph of Bob Rock's studio for the cover of the new Alan Doyle album.

The documentary is beautifully filmed in black and white. Alan Doyle talks from the heart about how he wanted to make this album. The documentary shows those of us who are not musicians or work in the music industry what it was like to be a musician in this studio and make music the 'old fashion way' as Alan Doyle refers to it.

The online music site 'No Depression' provided an article that takes a behind the scenes look at the making of the album and documentary. The article is titled 'Greg's Grab Bag - An Exclusive Look at the Making of Alan Doyle's Week at The Warehouse' album' by Greg Ygst and published on 13 October, 2017. The article provides a direct link to the video on the official Alanthomasdoyle YouTube site. I was unable to circulate a copy on my Google + page.

I have included two totally gorgeous photographs. One from Alan Doyle's official Instagram account of Alan and Shehab making the documentary back in January and a drop dead totally gorgeous black and white photograph taken by Shehab used to advertise the documentary on the official Facebook account of Alan Doyle. As always no copyright infringement intended.

Fandom, An Unexpected Journey 600 Blog Posts... Thank You !

It seems like just yesterday I was celebrating writing and sharing my 500 th blog post. Today I am celebrating writing and sharing 600 blog ...