Monday, 15 February 2016

Great Big Sea and Throwback Thursday…Part One.

Over the past couple of months Alan Doyle, Bob Hallett and former band member Sean McCann have been sharing some old memorabilia from their days with Great Big Sea. Some items have just been shared at odd times on Twitter and Instagram, while others have been shared under the hashtag of #TBT or Throwback Thursday.

They have generously shared diary entries, photographs, newspaper articles and old posters from their collections. I found this collection really interesting as they were before my time as a Great Big Sea fan. I really enjoy their nostalgic trips down memory lane about a time that is long gone and never likely to return, the good times and feelings they had together and their social media banter reflecting on those times. They all look so young and different, with a little less weight and a lot more hair.

My favourite was Alan Doyle’s notebook/diary from over twenty years in which he writes “Hello book. My name is Alan Thomas Doyle. At present I am 24 years old and for the first time I am employed as a full time musician. For those interested, primarily myself I would like to explain my notions for beginning this text – to keep an accurate record of experiences to come and to recount some of the musings of the past. Stay tuned”.

Over twenty years on Alan is still Alan Thomas Doyle, a little older and still employed as a full time musician. Alan still keeps a record of his experiences. A lot of his musings (like those of most musicians and artists) are now shared via technology, webpages and social media almost daily. His audience has grown from primarily himself to thousands of fans from around the world who enjoy his musings.

The photograph that shocked me the most was the post of the boys, including Darrell Power mucking about after a show at the Jock Harty arena nearly 20 years ago. Darrell Power and Sean McCann are smoking. I shouldn’t be surprised that long ago it would have been socially acceptable for musicians to smoke. Today, I am still a little shocked to see a picture of musicians smoking at least in public anyway.

I have posted a couple of my favourites that I have seen over the past couple of months.

The material is from the official Twitter and Instagram accounts of Alan Doyle, Bob Hallett, and Alan Doyle’s brother Bernie Doyle. I apologise to the person who posted the picture of the newspaper article of Great Big Sea in Oshawa from 2003 as I can’t find it and do not know who posted it. No copyright infringement intended.

Bernie Doyle@berniedoyle A relic for sure @alanthomasdoyle @bobhallett – Quinn’s on Danforth in TO, I believe. 1993?

Alanthomasdoyle #tbt to 1994, I think. One of GBS’s first trips to PEI (from Instagram).

Alan Doyle @alanthomasdoyle A cool find. The original FTR Blog. My road diary from 1994. Some very cool and naïve stuff in here. Hilarious. 23 January 2016.

Alan Doyle @alanthomasdoyle TBT Post show goofing w GBS lads @DarrellPowerNL @seanmccannsings @bobhallett at Jock Harty arena 20 years ago.

Bob Hallett @bobhallett Stumbled across this in the depths of my old laptop – arguably the greatest @Great_Big_Sea souvenir of them all 26 August 2015.

Fandom, An Unexpected Journey 600 Blog Posts... Thank You !

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