Thursday 14 December 2017

Alan Doyle And Always Coming Home...A reflection revisted.

"...The members of the Newfoundland band say getting off the Rock was why they started up to begin with.

"I'll be honest with you," says vocalist Alan Doyle. "The only reason I ever wanted to be in a band in the first place was to see the rest of the country -- to see if I could find another place to live."

Now that they've seen the rest, they love the Rock all the more, he said...."

Monday, April 15, 1996

'Newfoundland rockers arrive in B.C' available at

Over 20 years later Alan Doyle shared some photographs of going home to St. John's Newfoundland from the air on social media after having been away.

I love these photographs shared on Alan's official Twitter account and I have included a copy of some here.

The rest of the photographs can be found at the official Twitter account of @alanthomasdoyle. No copyright infringment intended. 

Fandom, An Unexpected Journey 600 Blog Posts... Thank You !

It seems like just yesterday I was celebrating writing and sharing my 500 th blog post. Today I am celebrating writing and sharing 600 blog ...