Monday 24 December 2018

Merry Christmas 2018... (62/365)

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all the people who so kindly visit my site every day. It never ceases to amaze me how many people are visiting my blog and I hope you all will continue to visit next year.

I have had a fabulous year following Alan Doyle and The Beautiful Beautiful Band, Bob Hallett, Allan Hawco, Russell Crowe and all the artists and musicians from Newfoundland and Canada on social media and through the traditional press as they continue to build on much loved projects whether they be concerts, music for plays, charity events, documentaries, movies and television shows.

I have really enjoyed researching and reading all the musician’s, artist’s and fan’s words, thoughts and ideas and looking at their photographs and videos as they were shared on social media. I will be back next year.

I hope all my readers and their families and friends have a very merry Christmas and a happy and safe new year.

An Australian Christmas Tree (no copyright infringement intended)

Fandom, An Unexpected Journey 600 Blog Posts... Thank You !

It seems like just yesterday I was celebrating writing and sharing my 500 th blog post. Today I am celebrating writing and sharing 600 blog ...