Friday 4 January 2019

Australian Television And Content Delivery...Some respect at last (71/365)

Under construction...

I don't often write about Scott Grimes and his creative work (other than the Indoor Garden Party concerts) because it is covered so well, elsewhere by fans more knowledgeable and committed than me.

Recently, I have been really impressed with the Seth McFarlane produced television show 'The Orville' starring himself and friend Scott Grimes. 

I am really impressed with how this television show has been delivered to Australian audiences via the Fox Network.

I have written many posts on this blog about how frustrated I am with free-air-television in Australia. As a consequence I don't watch free-to-air television except for some telecasts of the Australian rugby union test matches and the occasional episode of one of my favourite television shows on television on demand.

So I am thrilled to see a television company like Fox in America has recognised Australia as a potential market for it's products on free-to-air and pay television and giving us a fair go.

In the past American television companies like CBS who produce some of my favourite television shows like Supernatural, The Big Bang Theory and Hawaii Five-0 and screen them on free-to-air television stations in Australia have trouble with consistently screening their content.

American television companies like CBS may initially fast track new seasons and episodes soon after the television show starts in the US to get Australian viewers sucked in, but withheld the remainder of the season during the Australian summer months for an imaginary ratings period they have no chance in winning as the true fans have gained access to them via piracy and other means.

It is difficult to know who makes the decision to withhold content from Australians, whether it is the television company or the Australian free-to-air television stations. But someone treats Australian viewers and fans with absolute contempt.

Free-to-air television stations like Channel Nine and Ten stop screening content don't even bother to inform viewers and fans when it will be returning. Adding to the frustration is that those viewers and fans who want to pay for television content in Australia can't until it has been shown on free-to-air or pay television.

So it is with great pleasure that I read where viewers and fans of 'The Orville' are being treated a little differently.

Free-to-air television station SBS who have the rights to 'The Orville' had the common courtesy to inform their viewers and fans where they can catch this television show on their channel on their webpage. It was just a couple of paragraphs but it made such a big impression on me. The station is clearly grateful for their viewers and fans and are clearly listening. 

The SBS On Demand website states...

"One of the biggest (and best) things we discovered this year at SBS VICELAND was that viewers LOVE The Orville. We knew people would like it, but we didn't expect so many emails and messages from people thanking SBS VICELAND for screening it on the TV channel and streaming it at SBS On Demand.

We were paying attention to your enthusiasm and are very happy to report that we are fast-tracking season 2 of The Orville to SBS VICELAND and SBS On Demand within just hours of its broadcast in the US.

But here is where you need to pay attention, because we're here to tell you when and how you can watch the new season:

When The Orville comes back, we are getting two brand new episodes in the first week before the show settles back into new episodes once a week. That's pretty awesome, right?..."

They then went on to inform Australian viewers and fans when they can catch Season Two...

"....Mark these dates in your calendar, Orville fans:

31 December... Settle in on the Monday afternoon after 1:01pm with the season 2 return streaming anytime at SBS On Demand. It's New Years Eve, so if you're at a party that night, tell everyone how great the episode was and send them to watch it here with your friends at SBS.

04 January... The second episode will be streaming for you to watch anytime after 1:01pm at SBS On Demand. For those wanting to watch it on SBS VICELAND, episodes one and two of the second season will air back-to-back from 9pm on SBS VICELAND.

After that...You'll be starting your weekends with brand new The Orville. New episodes of the show debut weekly at SBS ON DEMAND at 1:01pm every Friday afternoon, with the new episode also airing on SBS VICELAND Friday nights at 9pm..."

These fast-tracked(!) Australian Premiere episodes of The Orville blast off from Monday 31 December 2018 on SBS On Demand and 04 January on SBS VICELAND. You can also stream season one of The Orville right now at SBS On Demand..."

I have circulated the official trailers for both seasons of The Orville on my Google + page. 

When content is available in Australia that I want to watch like The Orville through legal means or on demand I will watch it. I prefer to buy the DVD as the digital content uses too much data but I do buy digitally especially to see if I like the series.

In the past Fox Network has delivered popular content like the latest season of The X-Files fast tracked from the US and made immediately for purchase for viewers and fans after the screening. 

Fans like me buy content without a second thought, often two or three copies of the same content either digitally or on DVD. So it is a win/win for company and viewer and fan.   

Fandom, An Unexpected Journey 600 Blog Posts... Thank You !

It seems like just yesterday I was celebrating writing and sharing my 500 th blog post. Today I am celebrating writing and sharing 600 blog ...