Monday 7 January 2019

Bob Hallett And A New Project... (73/365)

Recently Bob Hallett announced on his official Facebook page that he was involved in producing a new musicial from Newfoundland called 'No Change in the Weather'.

Bob describes the production.... “No Change in the Weather’ is a new musical. Written and designed around existing songs from the Newfoundland songbook, it combines original and traditional material, dancing and humour into a seamless show about a family struggling to adapt to the new Newfoundland. It is set in one night, at a traditional wake..."

How exciting ! I can't wait for more news about this production and of course to see it somewhere in the world, hopefully in St. John's in the summer of 2019 !

I have enclosed a screen shot of the announcement from Bob's official Facebook page. No copyright infringement intended.

Fandom, An Unexpected Journey 600 Blog Posts... Thank You !

It seems like just yesterday I was celebrating writing and sharing my 500 th blog post. Today I am celebrating writing and sharing 600 blog ...