Sunday, 8 March 2015

An interpretation of being on a side in a fandom…

One of my favourite things to do is to research participation in the fandoms I am interested in. Recently I came across an old blog post written by Lyndahere on her blog Between the Rock and a Hard Place. True to form Lyndahere, used a major opportunity in the career of Great Big Sea, the launch of the television series of Republic of Doyle, to criticise and attack the fandom. Great Big Sea were involved in the development of Republic of Doyle from the beginning and wrote the theme song Oh Yeah. (Since I have been involved in the fandom Lyndahere has used just about every Great Big Sea major event to attack the fandom, but also other fandoms including the Russell Crowe fandom).

Lyndahere no matter what year, is always right and a person that has been severely misunderstood and done wrong by the fans who express a dislike about her conduct. The comments section of her blog post quickly turned from a discussion about the initial episode of Republic of Doyle to an attack on the Online Kitchen Party and the fans who post there. While there were a lot of long waffly mini essay responses to other fans who weighed in the discussion, Lyndahere made comments about the administration control of the forum, alleged bullying by a gang of bullies who attacked her comments and other fan’s comments, the alleged lack of freedom of speech in the forum, her interpretation of what fans wanted to talk about in 2010 and the 'wet blankets' that stopped them, her feelings on the forum and the criticism of the forum as a marketing tool by Great Big Sea. There was a discussion on the history of other attempts to start up alternative forum groups and their quick demise and the suggestion of the creation of alternative forum for fans. Lyndahere describes in one post how she and others were constantly referred to the Online Kitchen Party rules and regulations about appropriate conduct.

 “There used to be a shitstorm going on most of the time, and for all the insistence that it was “sex talk” that got the OKP neutered (or, for that matter, that it was me who got the OKP neutered) what it really was were those incessant shitstorms. If this one had continued, if those involved had kept commenting after being told to stop someone would be gone for good. And they all know that too.” (Lyndahere Between the Rock and a Hardplace January 5 2010)

Five years on it is interesting how many mature-aged women, married with families and children (who watch her videos and congratulate her on making them) find it acceptable for a mature-aged woman to criminally stalk, pester and badger a man. Most of all they wouldn’t like a woman making sexual advances and comments about their men in front on them or others online. Yet this type of behaviour seems acceptable to Lyndahere on the Online Kitchen Party years ago and today on her social media accounts. To me, it is clear the members of Great Big Sea have never been too fond of this type of discussion and behaviour, well at least in public and in particular on social media. Lyndahere while criticising the administration for allowing bullying on the forum of herself and others, has been guilty of allowing intense bullying of other fans, as an administrator of her site on YouTube Between the Rock in the comments section.

While I don’t participate in the Online Kitchen Party on Facebook, I do pop in occasionally to look to see what is happening, the stories and the type of material fans are sharing. Interestingly, the Online Kitchen Party is still here (with a different administrator) many of the fans who made comments on her blog post are gone, but some are still here participating in the fandom in various degrees. In 2010 social media was just really in development. More and more people of all ages and from all walks of life have developed a better understanding of acceptable online behaviour. Twitter, Facebook and other social media forums for Great Big Sea have attracted a more mature audience and with a sophisticated use of social media (although slightly brief at times). The fans are now in contact with other fans of their choice through whatever social media platforms they prefer. The members of Great Big Sea all have their own accounts and interact with fans in a variety of ways.

Today fans are more interested and involved in discussing the music and concerts, share photographs and videos, rather than an inappropriate discussion about individual Great Big Sea members, their perceived personalities and sexual attractiveness. Noticeably absent from this discussion of the fandom and the use of a forum is all the positive things that have evolved such as long term friendships and fan labour. However, the conflicts (as all fandoms have) between the fans are still there in various degrees. But it seems easier on social media to block or unfollow anyone who doesn’t agree with the account holder than to disagree in fandom discussions.

What I found totally ironic in the blog post was one of the main criticisms by Lyndahere of the Online Kitchen Party was it’s use of the forum as a promotional tool (as against her bootlegging, piracy and derivative works). Back in 2010 the Online Kitchen party was in competition to her and her blog Between the Rock and a Hard Place. Today, Lyndahere has embraced the forum and uses it as a tool to promote her own promotional tools, her endless bootlegged videos, photographs and pirated material as she and others have recognised it’s alleged importance as a promotional tool. Although Lyndahere rarely now comments on public forums like the Online Kitchen Party she saves those comments for her Twitter account and Alan Doyle.

Edited from the comments section of the blog post by Lyndahere. Remember these comments are on the eve of the first season premier of Republic of Doyle in 2010. This episode contained pirated episodes. The posts are reduced due to copyright.

"It's Coming Over Me" - The Republic Of Doyle....and The Repubic Of Doyle 05 January 2010

“...Joanne - the OKP admin pre-Official Community - once told me she got dozens of complaints about me every week, sometimes that many in a day (the great irony here is the later discovery that quite a few of those many complaints came from just one person in all of her multiple online personalities...even more ironic if you know what role that disturbed person eventually wound up playing on the OKP) - the point was to create enough of a backlash to bring about a desired silence, to make silence the easiest solution to the continuing backlash. A time-honoured technique. And one that works only when you have the majority of the community behind you, because otherwise the shitstorm you need to stir up in order to make it worthwhile to get rid of the other person will not take place.

Which brings it right back to what the majority of the community desires and what kind of an overall image/tone best suits the kind of promotional tool a band's message board is supposed to be. The OKP isn't about free speech and it isn't about fairness and it isn't about what's real, not primarily at least, nor should it have to be. Not its purpose. If a few of those peripheral items make their way in every now and then with no trouble ensuing, all the better. But they are not the main reason for the board's continued existence.

The biggest conflict comes from the desire of that majority of fans to sincerely believe that their sanitised version of the band members - their partial truth - is actually the "real" version, the full truth. Nice, sweet b'ys, maybe a little naughty every once in a while but in such a charmingly harmless way. Appearance becomes reality, a triumph of promotional purpose.

Until someone comes along and rocks Lukey's boat, that is. That's when the shit hits the fan, predictably so. True believers tend not to take kindly to any comments that run counter to their perception of Real, and that very will-to-believe prevents them, and the continuing conflict, from ever ceasing because it keeps them from seeing why it is they get so frigging upset about it…

Posted by: Lynda | 07 January 2010 at 05:55 PM

….I think setting up a separate, private site where people can feel free to say the kinds of things that always lead to trouble when said on the OKP is an excellent idea. That would be good for the folks on the new site and good for those on the OKP too. Win-win all around. No worries about your using the boat motif for your new site - go for it, by all means. Considering all the joking that's gone on with that song, it does seem fitting.

I'm pretty erratic when it comes to Facebook, forgetting its existence for days at a time, especially when travelling, so I don't know how much of a useful member of any group I could be, but I'm not against the concept. Let me know if you do get something like this on the go.

…I have been at the centre of the shitstorm and I have been the good-hearted den mother to the younglings...neither role ever seemed to work out very well. Perhaps you will do better than I did, but I will warn you at the outset about those who want discord, those who want to fight - for whatever reason I have never figured out. There seem to be some of that type in every group, on every side, especially online. If a shitstorm is desired, a shitstorm will most certainly ensue.

I read the latest response to what you wrote, and for all of its (ironically immature) snarkiness, one point she made was very true: GBS Fandom is not one big happy family, never has been and never will be, despite that "We Are The World" feeling so many get while singing along in a crowd at shows. All kinds of different people are drawn to the men and their music for a whole host of varying reasons; it makes perfect sense that there would be a huge range of the ways in which that thoroughly disparate group of individuals would choose to view, enjoy, and discuss the band.

The notion of free speech is a lofty one, one I hold dear, but I still say that when it comes to most groups of people - and this is even more true on the internet, where many of those who are total weenies in real life feel all bold and brash and free to be bullies because of their presumed cyberanonymity - the loudest bitchers and most persistent complainers are going to get their way. Always. The meek may indeed inherit the earth, but it will only be after all the pushy assholes are dead and gone. And it will only happen offline.

…I have seen shitstorms start with much less and go on much longer. There was a weird dynamic to that one you might not have even gotten, in that the majority of those most incensed were posters who have been away from the OKP for a long time, who used to have their own board before it became defunct, and who had only very recently begun to post on the OKP again. The intensity of their response was indeed beyond the scope waranted by your comment, because it was a reaction to past events too - old angers and bitternesses and hurts and fears rearing their heads. As Bob would say, Context. (And I have to admit to being a bit surprised some of the complainers even knew what "smile like a doughnut" meant, speaking of context. Maybe they Googled it. )

As best as I can tell, most of the current posters either stayed out of it, ignored it, or tried to move along past it, which is much more the dominant OKP ethic these days. The direct challenge and sputtering outrage - the shitstorm - is very much old-style OKP. There used to be a shitstorm going on most of the time, and for all the insistence that it was "sex talk" that got the OKP neutered (or, for that matter, that is was me who got the OKP neutered) what it really was were those incessant shitstorms. If this one had continued, if those involved had kept commenting after being told to stop...someone would be gone for good. And they all know that too. It is an implicit threat that works wonderfully well as a deterrent. You just can't argue with success.

By the way, do you know where the expression "wet blanket" comes from? From putting out fires. Ironic, that. I hope you went back over to YouTube to see parts 4 and 5. I re-uploaded them and they're working fine now. No clue what the trouble was - sometimes YouTube is just that way...

Posted by: Lynda | 08 January 2010 at 11:05 PM

...People popping up out of the woodwork from wherever to trash someone is an interesting phenomenom online. I just had occasion to go back through a pile of old files, things I'd kept for the past 5 years or so but hadn't looked at since saving them. One big ugly file was all the shit that got posted when the OKP was first neutered (when it was cut back to the single thread to welcome new people - I get so tired of people who say it was shut was never shut all the way down). Those first few days after the neutering happened, there were some pretty horrible things said, and I saved them all, mostly because I know how I work - as time passes I tend to think things said and done were not really as cruel as they actually were, and this time I really wanted to learn something from the experience and not fall into the mistake of trusting these people ever again.

So I saved all the nastiness and hate but never read it again until a week or so ago. What I noticed the most in the midst of all the slavering was that the most vicious of the slaverers are nearly all long gone from the OKP, have been for ages, at least so far as posting goes. Not only that, but also that the meanest of them were those who also had not been posting on the OKP at the time - the reason they gave then for not having posted recently was how terrible the OKP had become....but even after the neutering and the sanitisation, many if not most of them ever came back to post.

I'm not sure either what it is that makes a person think they've got a right to control something in which they do not actively participate. It's kind of like those who don't vote but bitch about their government. Put up or shut the fuck up...if you want bitching rights, take part. Otherwise, stand over on the sidelines and bitch quietly among yourselves. I rather enjoy the sideline view these days.

I can do you better than blow-by-blow - well, better than the kind of blow-by-blow you to which you are referring. If you've seen the most recent entry here, you already know I put the ROD episode up on YouTube. Sorry about the hassle of multi-parts, but YouTube has this dumb rule about files not being more than 10 minutes in length. Hope you enjoy it.

…I think I'd have to take issue with your "We're all here for the band" argument too. Maybe if you phrased it "We're all here because of the band" instead. "Here for the band" runs counter to "Here for or ourselves", which is a lot closer to the truth in many cases. Again, as it should be. Fans are customers, after all. Nobody expects the customer to be anything but self-concerned....

Posted by: Lynda | 09 January 2010 at 05:44 PM

...The very first time I came across the OKP what I found in the midst of a number of completely harmless threads were two not-so-harmless threads that surprised me. One was a long series of posts ragging brutally on the band for playing basically the same set list every night, most of those posts apparently from multiple-show attendees. The other was an even-longer thread in which one group of about 5 or 6 female posters were gang-bullying some other female poster, piling derisive post upon derisive post onto that sole poster's ineffectual attempts at self-defense, all while glorying in their own supposedly incisive wit and arrogantly presumed cleverness; I don't recall what remark had set off the Mean Girls Go Wild reaction, only that it seemed seriously undeserving of such relentlessly (and pettily) cruel rejoinders.

That was my very first impression of the OKP, formed some time in the latter half of 2001. It would turn out to be an accurate impression. I would later learn that there was another group of fans who had fairly recently left to form an alternate board because they had been harshly criticised for being too bawdy (though most of what they wrote was only along the lines of junior-high-school giggly-girl type stuff - of the "Nice picture of Alan's package!" variety). The more I travelled and met people, the more stories I heard along similar lines.

Since that time, the disaffected, the disappointed, and the dismayed have set up numerous alternative boards; I know of about a dozen or so, and I am sure there are plenty more about which I've never heard. Most of those boards have been private, with the Fishtank being one of the bigger and most successful of exceptions. Social media sites might make the need to create new message boards as alternative refuges less necessary these days, though the actual need for such refuges does seem to continue on and on.

I'm not persuaded that the OKP was ever a happy-go-lucky place, no more than I am persuaded that GBS has a sizeable percentage of happy-go-lucky fans. I think each group of fan-friends just thinks that's how it was during the period of time when theirs was the dominant voice on the OKP, that time during which they were the ones who felt like their group "owned the board," so to speak. Some other group(s) was most likely grumbling in their little parlours for each other group's duration, when not waging outright war against them.

Maybe without strict regulation this pattern is an inevitable outcome, and not only just with this group of fans. If so, then strict regulation is the lesser of two evils, in terms of effectiveness as a marketing tool and also in terms of limiting collateral damage”...

Posted by: Lynda | 11 January 2010 at 03:14 AM

Fandom, An Unexpected Journey 600 Blog Posts... Thank You !

It seems like just yesterday I was celebrating writing and sharing my 500 th blog post. Today I am celebrating writing and sharing 600 blog ...