Thursday 18 October 2018

Alan Doyle, The Producer (2018)...The Ennis Sisters (3/365)

Alan Doyle's official social media site biography reads a brief list of some of his many accomplishments ... "Musician, Actor, Winker, Nodder, Habs Fan...and now Author too, I suppose." And now he has added 'producer' to that list.

During the Canadian summer of 2018 Alan has been writing songs and producing albums for the fabulous Newfoundland group 'The Ennis Sisters' and Canadian children's group 'Splash 'N Boots'. Alan, The Ennis Sisters and Splash 'N Boots have been sharing some of their adventures via social media and through the traditional media over the past couple of months.

Yesterday Alan shared a post on his official Twitter site from The Ennis Sisters in which they released a song called 'Your Light' written by Maureen Ennis and Perry Chafe. They had all worked together with Alan Doyle to produce the song and now a video 'Shine The Light' and shared it via The Ennis Sisters' official YouTube site.

The Ennis Sisters did some interviews in the traditional media and online music media in which they talk about their new album, working with Alan Doyle and other topics published locally in Newfoundland and on the Canadian mainland.

I really liked this article in the Newfoundland Herald in which The Ennis Sisters talk about their new album, working with Alan Doyle, their NL tour and the recent passing of their father. I have copied this article here for those interested. As always no copyright infringement intended.

I was lucky enough to see the brilliant Ennis Sisters perform in St. John's, Newfoundland when I was there for a charity event for homeless people. Be sure to check out their album and official YouTube site videos.

'Ennis Sisters Keeping Time' by Krystyn Decker published on 17 May, 2018 in the Newfoundland Herald.

Teresa Ennis of The Ennis Sisters sits down with The Herald to talk about their upcoming album Keeping Time, their NL tour, and the recent passing of their father, John Ennis

The Ennis Sisters are back at it again, never taking a break from their musical explorations and releasing their thirteenth studio album titled Keeping Time. Having collaborated with the likes of Alan Doyle, Mark Murphy, and Perry Chafe, 11 of the songs featured on the album are original tracks with a fresh and edgy flair.

Keeping Time

“Maureen, Karen and I have been working on this album for a couple of years now, getting songs together and trying to figure out who the best producer would be for this album. We wanted to do something a little different, kind of challenge ourselves a little bit and so we met with a few people. We met with Alan Doyle, he’s just so amazing. He’s so positive, and it’s like he reaches for the stars at all points. He’s like, let’s go as big as we can possibly go with this, and just have a lot of fun with it,” Teresa Ennis shared in a one-on-one interview with The Newfoundland Herald.

“[The album’s] not quite as Celtic heavy. It’s got a little bit more of an edge to it. Having said that, we still do honour our roots in it. We have Cherish the Ladies featured on the album as well, a very Celtic, Irish female group. We’re really excited about it because it feels fresh, and different, and new. We’re really proud of how it turned out, and we’re so excited about releasing it and finally releasing some songs to the radio.”

Family First

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, Ennis says she plans on spending a quiet day with her husband Joel and daughter Rosie at home, waking up to a nice family breakfast and a walk outside, assuming the weather cooperates, before heading to visit her mother.

“Mom this year, we’ll definitely have a special day because this is going to be her first Mother’s Day without dad. She’s doing okay. She has good days and bad days, but she’s hanging in there. It’s all an adjustment,” she shared.

Their father, John Ennis, was a talented button accordion player who loved music. “He played every single day, it’s just part of the sound of our, you know, musical soundtrack growing up,” she explained.

John Ennis worked as a power engineer with Newfoundland Power. Upon retiring, he became The Ennis Sisters’ manager, travelling and touring with his daughters until he felt it was time to pass them on to someone more experienced in the music industry. “We really were encouraged and supported. Mom and dad did everything, they were our managers for a time when we were first starting out,” Ennis explained.

“They were always there for us, encouraging us and supporting us however we needed and of course you know, most of the songs that Maureen wrote and the songs that we sang were influenced by mom and dad. They’d suggest songs, so a lot of the songs that they loved, we ended up recording or putting in our show.”

Upcoming Tour

Upon the release of the new album, there’s no doubt that an upcoming tour is inevitable. The Ennis Sisters will be performing in Arts and Culture Centres across the province, from Labrador West to St. John’s, and Corner Brook to Stephenville, plus more along the way.

“We’re touring with Cherish the Ladies, and they’re all master musicians. They’re incredible. We’re going to be singing with them and doing songs from our upcoming album called Keeping Time,” Ennis explained.

“We’re really looking forward to it because for the last number of years we haven’t really toured the province like this, other than our Christmas shows. We’re really looking forward to getting out again and playing some of our old classics, but also some new stuff from our upcoming album. I think people are really going to enjoy the show.”

Keeping Time is set to be released June 15. For tour information visit or

Fandom, An Unexpected Journey 600 Blog Posts... Thank You !

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