Wednesday 24 October 2018

The Great Newfoundland Songbook... A radio program (9/365)

Technology never ceases to amaze me. I am catching up on listening to the latest episode of a radio program called 'The Great Newfoundland Songbook' hosted by Newfoundland musician and photographer Paul Kinsman and recorded in St. John's, Newfoundland. I am not listening in Newfoundland but thousands of miles away in Australia.

Each week on Saturday afternoon Paul Kinsman (a Newfoundland musician, photographer and radio host) talks about Newfoundland and Labrador songs and the times they reflect and how they are connected to their culture. During the first six episodes available Paul has been joined by other notable Newfoundland musicians and singers including Bob Hallett, Barry Canning, Chris LeDrew, Alan Doyle, Darrell Power, Barry Canning, Denis Parker, Sandy Morris and Colleen Power.

I have included a brief summary of the third episode as Paul Kinsman introduces Great Big Sea and their transformation from a Newfoundland to a Canadian band... 

During the third episode aired on the 22 September, 2018, Paul Kinsman talks with Sandy Morris, Bob Hallett and Alan Doyle about the traditional Newfoundland song 'Hard, Hard Times' written by William Emberely about hard times during the 1936 Great Depression and the different interpretations over time. Paul Kinsman introduces Great Big Sea and their song 'Ordinary Day' and goes on to discuss the writing of the song with Alan Doyle. Paul Kinsman, Chris LeDrew, Colleen Power and Bob Hallett conclude the episode talking about the song 'Saltwater Cowboys' about the migration of Newfoundlanders to mainland Canada.

If you love Newfoundland music and you want to listen to and learn more, you are going to love this radio show. Paul Kinsman and Bob Hallett are massively impressive, sharing their knowledge of traditional Newfoundland music, culture, history with humour and passion throughout the series. The recordings were available at VOCM on the Great Newfoundland Songbook page at the time of the publishing of this post. 

I have included a photograph of the official poster for the series and a photograph of Alan Doyle in the studio with Paul Kinsman. The photographs are from the official Twitter account of Paul Kinsman. As always no copyright infringement intended.

Fandom, An Unexpected Journey 600 Blog Posts... Thank You !

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